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NAACCR Conference Registration

Register now for the 2025 Annual Conference and Pre-Conference Workshops. Early registration ends on April 30th.

*Registration for a student who is not employed full time in the surveillance field.

*Register by May 28.

*Registrants providing written notice of cancellation received by the NAACCR office on or before May 15, 2025, will be refunded the registration fee minus a $100 processing fee. No refunds will be issued for cancellation after May 15, 2025. Substitutions of registrants are allowed at any time.

This program is supported in part by NCI Contract Number 75N91021D00018, and NCI Grant (in process of application) from the National Cancer Institute, and CDC Cooperative Agreement Number 6 NU58DP007575.  Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the National Cancer Institute or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Without their support, this scientific conference would not be possible.

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